Our Curriculum

How we empower your kids to shine

About the New Day curriculum

At New Day Child Care Center, we want you to be confident that your children are learning foundational skills. Our curriculum system uniquely weaves 33 research-based skills into playful games and projects. As children participate, they naturally grow in all areas of development, including social-emotional, physical, language and cognitive development.

The curriculum we use breaks down the following important skill sets for ages 2 - 5:


Creative Development

The ability to respond to experiences by expressing ideas and imagination through music, dance, dramatic play, and art.


 Language and Literacy skills

Refer to a child’s ability to communicate and connect with others through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Social Studies

Refer to a child’s ability to understand oneself in relation to the world. It includes the exploration of roles, responsibilities and cultural traditions.


Physical development

Refers to a child’s gross and fine motor skills. To increase strength, muscle control, and coordination, the child requires adequate nutrition and fitness levels.

Science skills

Include a child’s ability to inquire, predict and evaluate observations. It supports a child’s ability to explore everyday life, physical properties of matter, and to make sense of concepts such as weather, natural habitats, and technology.

Social-emotional development

Refers to a child’s ability to identify feelings, self-regulate and build relationships.

Mathematics and reasoning Skills

Include a child’s ability to count, understand number sense, manipulate objects, create patterns, sort, compare and measure.


Finally, a consistent day care curriculum!

At New Day, we recognize how important consistency is to children. That understanding is reflected throughout our teaching philosophy.

Our chosen curriculum, Mother Goose©, allows us to create consistency in the way your child learns. Instead of days of disjointed activities, your child will be a part of coordinated lessons that focus on increasing different areas of your child's development each week.


“Every child has value and deserves respect, compassion and empathy. Children need a safe place to learn who they are within a community”

More about our curriculum


Mother Goose Time

The child is an active participant in learning.

As children express interests, teachers adapt learning experiences to embrace and further these interests. Mother Goose Time activities and projects provoke creative thinking and are simply a starting point for a child’s imagination.

There are 100 languages of children.

Loris Malaguzzi wrote, “The child has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking.”Mother Goose Time is inclusive of all learners and invites children to express their ideas through art, music, dramatic play, and storytelling.

The child has a right to give and receive respect, compassion and empathy.

Every child has value and deserves respect, compassion and empathy. Children need a safe place to learn who they are within a community. As children become more socially aware, Mother Goose Time offers routines and experiential community building opportunities for children to practice and learn how they fit in communities, how to problem-solve social challenges, and how to play kindly and cooperatively in groups